Ragnar Kroll

I have been told, now that Virtuality is being published, that I must have a “website.”

I surrender: here it is.

But no “author” photograph:

Putting aside the inappropriateness, in this instance, of the term “author”, I concur with the wise observation that a photograph may capture the soul. Grateful to be in possession of such a spiritual substance, I thus refrain from posting a photograph here (much to my publicist’s chagrin). The same applies to Jake.

I am sorry if this is a disappointment to anyone (the absence of Jake’s photograph, that is  — I can’t imagine why anyone would want to see one of me). But the freedom of the soul clearly must be prioritized over the appetite of idle curiosity.

Anyways, the porpoise — haha, I mean the purpose — of this website is to provide an avenue for the acquisition of Virtuality: the “link” for this is below.

In addition, this “site” provides a medium for the posting of related material, the first of which shall be the Interview with the Transmitter (upon whose inconsiderate nature I will not comment), which is, apparently, forthcoming

Ragnar Kroll
Northern California